The Greatest 2021 Book of Political Cartoons: Edition 1: January – June


This book is this author’s most significant endeavor. Given the following… Doris Kearns Goodwin presidential biographer, historian, and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for History Award stated recently that since Democracy is dependent on the right to vote, and that states are now legislating laws that restrict that right, therefore, “Democracy itself is on trial.” As it had been before citing the Civil War, FDR’s New Deal, and the early days of World War II.
The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld Republican-backed voting restriction laws in Arizona. And finally, senate Republicans’ have used the 60 vote Filibuster rule to block a house passed Voting Rights Bill that would have protected voters from discrimination.
Therefore, this book’s significance rests on the fervent hope of this author, that voter restriction laws passed while America slept, will be overcome by a unified awakening of American voters. And that this book via humorous, entertaining, and enlightening political cartoons will promote that awakening.


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