The Greatest 2021 Book of Political Cartoons: Edition II: July – December


This book’s dual mission is to provide its readers with building blocks of information from the most reliable sources, while at the same time offering a spoonful of sugar via entertaining, humorous, and at times hysterically funny political cartoons. Enabling readers to become enlightened on the many challenges facing our nation.
Example: A new op-ed in the Washington Post by three retired Army generals warns that our military needs to prepare for another insurrection in 2024. And that they are “chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.” And next time a rioting mob may not be necessary. Investigative journalist Bob Woodward popularized the slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”
Therefore, it is this author’s fervent hope this book will promote less division and anger, and more unity and amicable compromise. American humorist, the late Erma Bombeck had said “When humor goes, there goes civilization.”


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